Impact Call: expanding the definition of transparency

GuideStar logoJust finished participating in the first ever GuideStar Impact Call: bit like an earnings call for a corporate – just adapted for non-profits (see more further down).

If you run a charitable / voluntary organisation and want to be both transparent and accountable to your stakeholders, then this is a format worth experimenting with. Don’t take my word for it though – check out the feedback comments people have posted here:

Why? Here’s a strong case put across in less than 140 characters:

I hope the good people at GuideStar are planning to make a how-to or other good practice documentation available so that others can easily replicate.

Meanwhile, if you need help thinking through broader alignment of of your strategy with your reporting, get in touch.

Michael Ambjorn is founder of // Align Your Org and board director @IABC – follow @michaelambjorn for more of the above. You can also join the conversation: #ALIGN and in this case of course #GuideStar